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Prostate News Archive


  • In Older Men, Prostate Biopsies Can Raise Risk of Hospitalization

    THURSDAY, Sept. 22 (HealthDay News) -- Almost 7 percent of men 65 and older who have a prostate biopsy are hospitalized within 30 days of the procedure, a new study indicates.

  • Prostate Biopsy Doubles Risk of Hospitalization for Men in Study

    Men who receive prostate cancer biopsies are more than twice as likely to end up in the hospital from complications than those who don?t get the procedure, a report says, highlighting risks with the practice.

  • Private Insurance, Better Prostate Surgery Outcome?

    U.S. men who have surgery for prostate cancer seem to fare better if they have private insurance rather than public coverage through Medicare or Medicaid, a new study finds

  • Doctors Predict Impotence After Prostate Treatment

    A man facing prostate cancer treatment can now get a rough sense of his odds of becoming impotent after the procedure

  • Health notes: Prostate exams, obesity walk

    Scottsdale Healthcare is hosting free prostate cancer screenings from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center at Scottsdale Healthcare.

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