Prostate News Archive
Calcium linked to prostate cancer
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17 (UPI) -- A high intake of calcium is linked to prostate cancer among African-American men who are genetically good absorbers of the mineral, U.S. researchers say. Prostate Screenings are important
The month of September is designated as National prostate Cancer Awareness Month throughout the United States. Prostate cancer screenings offered for free at local hospital
Prostate cancer is the number two cancer killer for men. This month is prostate cancer awareness month and one hospital is providing free cancer screenings to anyone who walks through their doors. Health Notes: Free prostate screenings and more on Saturday; meet Leroy Keyes
Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer related death in U.S. men, after lung cancer. One in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime: however, only one in 35 men will die from the cancer. The incidence and mortality are two to three times higher in black men. Genetics may explain why calcium increases risk for prostate cancer
A new study suggests that a high intake of calcium can cause prostate cancer among African-American men who are genetically good absorbers of the mineral.
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