Prostate News Archive
Height Linked to Risk of Prostate Cancer Development and Progression (Newswise)
A man's height is a modest marker for risk of prostate cancer development, but is more strongly linked to progression of the cancer, say British researchers who conducted their own study on the connection and also reviewed 58 published studies. Height linked to risk of prostate cancer development and progression (EurekAlert!)
( American Association for Cancer Research ) A man's height is a modest marker for risk of prostate cancer development, but is more strongly linked to progression of the cancer, say British researchers who conducted their own study on the connection and also reviewed 58 published studies. Treatment May Speed Prostate Cancer (
Title: Treatment May Speed Prostate Cancer Category: Health News Created: 9/2/2008 Last Editorial Review: 9/2/2008 Too much calcium in blood may increase risk of fatal prostate cancer (EurekAlert!)
( Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center ) Men who have too much calcium in their bloodstreams may have an increased risk of fatal prostate cancer, according to a new analysis from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the University of Wisconsin. Excessive serum calcium is linked to the risk of fatal prostate cancer (Winston-Salem Journal)
Men who have too much calcium in their bloodstreams could face an increased risk of dying of prostate cancer, according to an analysis from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the University of Wisconsin that is being released today.
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