Prostate News Archive
Summer, Fall Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Ups Survival: Study (Fox News)
Researchers from Norway and Oregon Health and Science University have found that the season in which a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer may affect his survival. Dissolving Prostate Cancer (KFSN-TV Fresno)
DURHAM, N.C. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- For decades, ultrasounds have been used to determine the sex, size, and vitality of unborn children. Now, the same technology is being used to stop prostate cancer in its tracks. Excessive multivitamin use could increase prostate cancer risk (ANI via Yahoo! India News)
Washington, Sept 28 (ANI): Men need to be cautious about taking multivitamins more than once a day, for a new study has found doing so may increase the risk of prostrate cancer. The researchers conducting the study also found that though there was no link between multivitamin use and the risk of developing localized prostate cancer, men who took multivitamins more than once a day were 32 ... For prostate cancer, early warning signs are rare (The Longview News-Journal)
The Longview Cancer Center has been seeing more cases of prostate cancer in the past few years, but in a way that's good news, said Dr. Bernard Taylor, an oncologist at the center. Prostate Cancer Options (US News & World Report)
In your article on prostate cancer, you seem to promote the watch-and-wait option [" prostate Cancer's Prognosis ," September 17]. This is not an option; this can be a death sentence. Why take a chance on leaving a known cancer in your body?
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