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Prostate News Archive


  • Low-fat, vegetarian diet may stall prostate cancer (Stuff)

    Low-fat, plant-based diets may help prevent or slow the progression of prostate cancer, according to a new research review.

  • Red Wine Compound Shown to Prevent Prostate Cancer (Beverage World)

    Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) have found that nutrients in red wine may help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.

  • Increase In High-Grade Prostate Cancer Detection Unlikely To Be Caused By Finasteride (Medical News Today)

    An increase in high-grade prostate cancer among men taking the drug finasteride is likely caused by an increased detection of cancers, and not by the development of more high-grade cancers, according to two studies published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. [click link for full article]

  • "Lumpectomy" possible for some prostate tumors (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

    Treating or removing just the part of the prostate that is cancerous may be an effective and less invasive approach for a considerable minority of men with early prostate cancer that is confined to the prostate, according to doctors in Durham, North Carolina.

  • Prostate cancer testing offered (The Grand Rapids Press)

    GRAND RAPIDS -- Don Williams used to believe cancer was something that happened to other people. So he avoided regular prostate cancer screenings, preferring instead to visit his doctor only when he had a problem.

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