Prostate News Archive
Nicotine patch for prostate surgery relief? (News-Medical-Net)
The use of a nicotine patch - successfully used to help many smokers decrease their dependency on nicotine - was shown to reduce pain in men after prostate removal surgery in a new anesthesiology study. (AFX UK Focus) 2007-10-15 08:19 GMT: Antisoma says findings to date with ASA404 drug in prostate cancer encouraging (Interactive Investor)
LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Antisoma PLC said findings to date with ASA404 in prostate cancer are encouraging but longer-term data will be needed to evaluate the full potential of the compound for this indication. New research may show why some prostate cancer recurs after treatment (News-Medical-Net)
Cancer researchers have long worked to understand why some prostate cancers recur after the use of therapies designed to stop the production of testosterone and other androgens that fuel cancer cell growth.
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