Prostate News Archive
International Conference On Prostate Cancer, 2006: Reston Virginia Moderated By Dr. Charles 'Snuffy' Myers (RedNova)
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Oct. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- The Foundation For Cancer Research and Education (FCRE) and co-sponsor Us TOO International take great pleasure in announcing their second annual prostate cancer patient conference moderated by Dr. Everyday Chemicals And Health - Assessing New Reseach Findings On Endocrine Disrupters (Medical News Today)
Reports show that genital malformations in baby boys have been on the increase in many European countries, and that the number of people diagnosed with breast, testis and prostate cancers continues to increase. Recent data indicate that in parts of Europe, sperm quality is approaching levels that may impair fertility. [click link for full article] Researchers publish largest genome-wide study of prostate cancer in African American men (EurekAlert!)
Phoenix, AZ, October 11, 2006 -- Researchers from 14 institutions across the country today announced the results of the first genome-wide linkage study of prostate cancer in African Americans. Partners of cancer patients suffer too (Sydney Morning Herald)
The partners of men newly-diagnosed with prostate cancer are hit harder with depression and anxiety than the victims themselves, new research shows. - Domestic news (The West Australian)
The partners of men newly-diagnosed with prostate cancer are hit harder with depression and anxiety than the victims themselves, new research shows. But six months after diagnosis, it's the men who feel the most mental stress.
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