Prostate News Archive
Dr. David Samadi Performs Robotic Prostate Cancer Surgeries in the Netherlands
NEW YORK, NY-- - This week the lives of prostate cancer patients in the Netherlands were dramatically altered through the life-saving robotic prostatectomy surgery efforts of New York-based Dr. David Samadi ... Locals raise prostate cancer awareness with 'Movember?
A man dies from prostate cancer every 15.6 minutes; one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. A new case is diagnosed every 2.2 minutes.These statistics inspired Costa Mesa resident John Cornuke to gather his friends in solidarity to raise money this month, not only to fight prostate... Prostate cancer survivors defend PSA
WOOLWICH ? The Maine Coalition to Fight prostate Cancer is speaking out against a government health panel?s recent recommendation that doctors not use a blood screening test that aims to detect early signs of prostate cancer.
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