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Prostate News Archive


  • Adding radiotherapy boosts prostate cancer survival

    LONDON (Reuters) - Adding radiotherapy to hormone drugs for prostate cancer patients significantly improves survival compared with hormone treatment alone, and the combination could save many lives if it were made standard practice, scientists said Thursday.

  • Radiation Plus Hormone Therapy Extends Life in High-Risk Prostate Cancer

    WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2 (HealthDay News) -- A combination of radiation and hormone therapy prolongs survival among men whose cancer has spread beyond the prostate, Canadian and U.K. researchers report.

  • Prostate cancer radiotherapy hope

    Treating more prostate cancer patients with radiotherapy could potentially save hundreds of lives a year in the UK, say researchers.

  • Adding radiation for prostate cancer ups survival

    Men with prostate cancer that has begun to spread live longer and are less likely to die from the disease if they receive a combination of radiation and hormone therapy, a new study suggests.

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