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Prostate News Archive


  • Genetic Risk Factors May Tailor Prostate Cancer Screening Approaches (Science Daily)

    Five genetic risk markers for prostate cancer may allow physicians to adapt screening approaches for men at high-risk, particularly African-American men, according to new research.

  • Free prostate cancer screenings and clinical breast exams available Saturday (Beaumont Enterprise)

    Men and women will be able to get free prostate cancer screenings and clinical breast exams Saturday from the Julie Rogers "Gift of Life" Program.

  • Test prostate for free: report 'It's as valuable ... as mammogram' (Hamilton Spectator)

    Wealthy men are more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer. But it's not because they're at increased risk, suggests a report by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES).

  • Mechanisms of cardiovascular disease and cancer give clues to new therapies (News-Medical-Net)

    Cardiovascular conditions leading to heart attacks and strokes are treated quite separately from common cancers of the prostate, breast or lung, but now turn out to involve some of the same critical mechanisms at the molecular level.

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