Prostate News Archive
VIDEO from Medialink and Siemens: Pinpointing Prostate Cancer in Larger Patients (FinanzNachrichten)
NEW YORK, Nov. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- It is estimated more than two million men are living with prostate cancer in the United States, with about one-in-six expected to get the disease at some point in their lives, according to the American Cancer Society. Better Prostate Cancer Survival for Men Taking Statins (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 31 (HealthDay News) -- Men who were taking statins to lower their cholesterol had a 10 percent greater chance of being cured of prostate cancer by radiation therapy 10 years after diagnosis, a new study finds. Mustaches fun way to spotlight prostate cancer battle (New York Daily News)
Turning November into mustache month is the brainchild of a former Melbourne phone executive and four pals. What began as a gag evolved into a major project aimed at battling prostate cancer.
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