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Prostate News Archive


  • Study Eyes PSA Tests for Prostate Cancer (ABC News)

    Study: Rapidly Rising PSA Signals More Aggressive prostate Cancer

  • PSA Predicts Prostate Cancer Death (Fox News)

    New research suggests a blood test widely used to screen for prostate cancer can identify which patients are more likely to die from it more than a decade before the cancer is diagnosed.

  • Newer Approach Urged In Screening For Aggressive Prostate Cancer (Science Daily)

    Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine say that how fast the amount of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in a man's blood increases, or PSA velocity (PSAV), is an accurate gauge of tumor aggression and danger, even when PSA levels are so low as to not warrant a biopsy.

  • Faulty Gene Linked To Prostate Cancer Risk (Medical News Today)

    Missing sections of a gene, which programmes the manufacture of a chemical to alert the body to DNA damage, almost doubles the risk of prostate cancer, reveals research published ahead of print in the Journal of Medical Genetics. [click link for full article]

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