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Prostate News Archive


  • Test for prostate cancer more sensitive

    LOS ANGELES, May 23 (UPI) -- A sensitive test for prostate cancer, A+PSA assay, measures levels of prostate-specific antigen and six specific antibodies, U.S. researchers say.

  • Doctors Fret Over Rise In Prostate Biopsy Infections

    An increasing number of men who undergo a prostate biopsy are getting hard-to-treat bloodstream infections that can send them to the ICU and require weeks of heavy-duty antibiotic treatment. The new infection risk is causing a lot of soul-searching about prostate biopsies.

  • Daily acetaminophen use reduces prostate cancer risk by 38%

    Taking an acetaminophen tablet daily for at least five years reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by 38%, researchers from the American Cancer Society reported Monday. Using the drug, the best-known form of which is Tylenol, also reduces the risk of the more aggressive form of prostate cancer by 51%, the team reported in the online version of the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers ...

  • Mushroom compound suppresses prostate tumors

    A mushroom used in Asia for its medicinal benefits has been found to be 100 percent effective in suppressing prostate tumor development in mice during early trials, new research shows.

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