Prostate News Archive
Study: Prostate cancer surgery helps younger men
Men under 65 with early prostate cancer had better survival odds if they had surgery right away instead of waiting for treatment only if their cancer got worse, a study in Sweden found. Supplements don't prevent prostate cancer: study
A new study deflates hopes that certain nutritional supplements could stave off prostate cancer, the second most common cancer in men. Swedish Study Finds Surgery For Prostate Cancer Better Than Waiting
A long-running study suggests that surgical removal of the prostate gland in young men diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer may be better than waiting to see if it gets worse. Still, a study of the treatment options has limitations. Prostate Cancer: Early Surgery or Watchful Waiting?
Fifteen-year results from a Swedish study find that early prostate surgery cuts deaths in under-65 men with "low-risk" prostate tumors -- but men at low-risk by today's standards may do better if they wait. Aggressive Treatment May Be Beneficial for Early Prostate Cancer
WEDNESDAY, May 4 (HealthDay News) -- Among men under 65 with early stage prostate cancer, those who have the prostate gland removed are less likely to die than those who adopt a "watchful waiting" approach, according to a new long-term study out of Europe.
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