Prostate News Archive
EANS-News: Epigenomics AG Presents Clinical Data from Prostate Cancer Prognosis Study at ASCO (Presseportal)
Biomarker mPITX2 for prostate cancer prognostic application successfully validated First clinical laboratory in Germany to start offering mPITX2 testing service Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely responsible for the content of this ... Why Some Prostate Cancer Returns (redOrbit)
The majority of men who receive one of the standard treatments for localized prostate cancer - surgery or radiation therapy - have an excellent outcome.But for the small group whose prostate cancer returns, a new study offers insight as to why treatment isn't effective.The study - a collaboration between researchers at the Josephine Ford Cancer Center at Henry Ford Hospital and Fox Chase Cancer ... Low oxygen level prostate tumors often recurrent (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Hypoxia, or reduced oxygen levels, in prostate tumors significantly predicts a poor long-term biochemical outcome, regardless of other prognostic factors, such as tumor stage or type, according to results of a study presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual meeting in Orlando. Cutting carbs appears to slow growth of prostate tumors (USA Today)
Cutting back on carbohydrates appears to slow the growth of prostate tumors, even if pounds aren't lost, according to an animal study in this week's online edition of the journal Cancer Prevention Research. New Blood Test Greatly Reduces False-positives In Prostate Cancer Screening (Science Daily)
A new blood test used in combination with a conventional prostate-specific antigen screening sharply increases the accuracy of prostate cancer diagnosis, and could eliminate tens of thousands of unneeded, painful, and costly prostate biopsies annually.
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