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Prostate News Archive


  • Quick test for prostate cancer (EurekAlert!)

    ( Durham University ) A new three-minute test could help in diagnosing prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men in the UK, according to scientists.

  • Hope of fast prostate cancer test (BBC News)

    A three-minute test for prostate cancer is being developed by scientists.

  • Three minute exam for prostate cancer 'could herald simple semen test' (Daily Telegraph)

    A threeminute test for prostate cancer could point to a time when doctors will be able to diagnose the disease just by examining semen researchers claim.

  • Research reveals molecular pathway behind invasive prostate cancers (EurekAlert!)

    ( University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center ) University of Cincinnati cancer and cell biologists have identified a new molecular pathway key to the development of invasive prostate cancers.

  • Rapid test for prostate cancer (News-Medical-Net)

    Researchers have developed the test by using light energy to measure the level of citrate in fluid samples from the prostate gland. The technique could provide the basis of a rapid means of detecting prostate cancer in the future. Almost a quarter of male cancers in the UK are diagnosed as prostate cancer and more than 10,000 men die from the disease each year.

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