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Prostate News Archive


  • Levin undergoes surgery for prostate cancer (Yale Daily News)

    University President Richard Levin underwent surgery for prostate cancer on Thursday and will temporarily cede his administrative duties to colleagues as he recovers. Though Vice President and Secretary Linda Lorimer said the procedure was successful and Levin?s prognosis is ?excellent,? the president will stay out of his Woodbridge Hall office for approximately three weeks. During that time, ...

  • Prostate cancer 'vaccine' extends survival (

    An experimental "vaccine" that offers a new approach to fighting prostate cancer added four months to the lives of men with advanced stages of the disease, doctors report.

  • Agent Orange worsens prostate cancer prognosis (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

    Among Vietnam veterans who have undergone major prostate cancer surgery, those who were exposed to Agent Orange have an increased risk of an aggressive recurrence, according to results of a study appearing in the British Journal of Urology (BJU) International.

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