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Prostate News Archive


  • Prostate cancer fight has new local homebase

    Men suffering from prostate cancer in Nova Scotia now have a place to turn to.prostate Cancer Canada opened a new office in Halifax yesterday, hoping men will come for support."Men have a very hard time talking about prostate cancer," Helen Vassos, executive vice-president of PCC, said at yesterday's opening, which was the first for Atlantic Canada."It's important that survivors know we have ...

  • Prostate Cancer Spreads to Bones by Overtaking the Home of Blood Stem Cells

    Like bad neighbors who decide to go wreck another community, prostate and breast cancer usually recur in the bone, according to a new University of Michigan study.

  • Robot-assisted prostate surgery is safe, long-term study finds

    In the first study of its kind, urologists and biostatisticians have found that robot-assisted surgery to remove cancerous prostate glands is safe over the long term, with a major complication rate of less than one percent. The findings follow an earlier Henry Ford study that found nearly 87 percent of patients whose cancerous prostates were removed by robot-assisted surgery had no recurrence of ...

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