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Prostate News Archive


  • EDITORIAL: Screening for Prostate Cancer -- The Controversy That Refuses to Die (New England Journal of Medicine)

    In the United States, most men over the age of 50 years have had a prostate-specific-antigen (PSA) test,1 despite the absence of evidence from large, randomized trials of a net ...

  • Scientists ID New Biomarker for Prostate Cancer (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)

    WEDNESDAY, March 25 (HealthDay News) -- A newly identified marker for prostate cancer progression may also offer a new target for treatment, University of Michigan researchers say.

  • A new approach to prostate cancer detection (EurekAlert!)

    ( European Association of Urology ) US researcher Dr. Chris Beecher from the University of Michigan gave a well attended lecture about sarcosine at the 24th Annual EAU Congress in Stockholm, Sweden. Dr Beecher is a colleague of lead author Dr. Arun Sreekumar. The research looked at more than 1,000 small molecules in tissues associated with prostate cancer. These findings suggest that not only is ...

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