Prostate News Archive
Chief Medical Officer Otis W. Brawley Responds To Prostate Studies (Medical News Today)
The first reports from two long-awaited large, randomized trials designed to provide answers about the effectiveness of prostate cancer screening have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Below are comments from Otis W. Brawley, M.D., American Cancer Society chief medical officer. Reliable Prostate Cancer Test May Be Decade Away, Doctors Say (Bloomberg)
March 20 (Bloomberg) -- It may take a decade to replace the prostate cancer test that doctors say is inadequate and risky, yet is used on 75 percent of American men 50 or older. Better Prostate Screening Test More Vital Than Ever As Studies Cast Doubt On Existing Screening Exam (Medical News Today)
Two new studies offer conflicting views on the value of screening men for prostate cancer using the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. The two studies found that the popular PSA blood test, used to screen for prostate cancer, save few lives and lead to risky and unnecessary treatments for large numbers of men. Robotic Technology Saving Prostate Cancer Patients (CBS 3 Philadelphia)
A new high-tech weapon is helping surgeons in the fight against prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men. Believe it or a not, it's a robot that's being used to save lives. For Michael Puttiarelli, the shock of being diagnosed with prostate cancer was soothed by taking action. Reliable prostate cancer test may be decade away (The West Australian)
It may take a decade to replace the prostate cancer test that doctors say is inadequate and risky, yet is used on 75 percent of American men 50 or older. The PSA cancer-detection test may only preven
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