Prostate News Archive
Prostate Cancer: Men Deserve Better (Medical News Today)
Vast improvements in prostate cancer recognition, management and treatment are needed, according to major prostate cancer groups speaking at the European Association of Urology's 24th Annual Congress The prostate cancer charter for change from 13 influential European and US prostate cancer patient Two studies fail to settle debate on prostate cancer testing (The Sacramento Bee)
Despite two large studies released Wednesday, uncertainty lingers for men weighing whether to be tested or treated for prostate cancer. Better Prostate Screening Test More Vital Than Ever As Studies Cast Doubt On Existing Screening Exam (Medical News Today)
Two new studies offer conflicting views on the value of screening men for prostate cancer using the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. The two studies found that the popular PSA blood test, used to screen for prostate cancer, save few lives and lead to risky and unnecessary treatments for large numbers of men.
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