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Prostate News Archive


  • After Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy 'Insignificant' Prostate Cancer Has A Risk Of Progression Similar To Low Risk ... (Medical News Today) In a report in the January, 2008 issue of the British Journal of Urology International, Dr. Sengupta and associates from the Mayo Clinic assess the risk of progression and death among patients with pathologically insignificant tumors after radical prostatectomy (RP) for prostate cancer (CaP). Insignificant CaP was defined as a pre-surgical PSA 0.

  • New Herbal Supplement Promotes Healthy Prostate (Richfield Reaper)

    (ARA) - If you're a man who suffers from any of these symptoms -- waking up several times a night to use the bathroom, difficulty starting your stream, poor urine flow and volume or erectile dysfunction -- it may be a sign of an even bigger problem: an enlarged prostate.

  • Warnex Offers New Prostate Cancer Screening Service (Medical News Today)

    Warnex Inc. (TSX:WNX) announced that its Medical Laboratories division has launched a new screening service for prostate cancer, the PCA3 assay. The Warnex PCA3 screening service for prostate cancer uses advanced PCR technology to detect mRNA from the prostate cancer gene 3 (PCA3). Warnex is the first laboratory to offer this service in Canada.

  • Doctor sentenced for falsely telling patients they had cancer (The Fresno Bee)

    A former Los Gatos doctor accused of falsely telling three patients they had prostate cancer has been sentenced to three months in jail and nine months of house arrest.

  • Prostate Cancer Guidelines Welcomed, UK (Medical News Today)

    The prostate Brachytherapy Advisory Group welcomes the NICE Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer published 27 February , in particular, the emphasis on informed patient choice and that patients should be supported to make treatment decisions which take into account their quality of life as well as survival.

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