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Prostate News Archive


  • Advaxis Scientists Publish Research Of Listeria Monocytogenes-Based Vaccine For Prostate Cancer In Latest Edition Of ... (Medical News Today)

    Drs. Vafa Shahabi (Advaxis Inc. OTCBB: ADXS) and Yvonne Paterson (University of Pennsylvania) led a team (the "Team") of six leading research microbiologists and published findings on the potential use of a Listeria monocytogenes-based vaccine for prostate cancer ("pCa").

  • Sam Newman fights prostate cancer (Herald Sun)

    DOCTORS are expecting an influx of men seeking health checks after Sam Newman bravely revealed he is battling prostate cancer.

  • Blood test indicates spread of prostate cancer (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

    Testing men with prostate cancer for a substance called endoglin in their blood may help doctors know if the cancer has spread outside the gland to the lymph nodes, new research shows.

  • Sam Newman has surgery for prostate cancer (News-Medical-Net)

    Sam Newman the football personality has had surgery to remove a prostate cancer tumour and is now waiting to hear whether the cancer has spread from the prostate to other parts of his body.

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