Prostate News Archive
Cutting carbs appears to slow growth of prostate tumors (USA Today)
Cutting back on carbohydrates appears to slow the growth of prostate tumors, even if pounds aren't lost, according to an animal study in this week's online edition of the journal Cancer Prevention Research. Living and loving with prostate cancer (Lexington Clipper-Herald)
(ARA) - A man is supposed to be physically healthy and emotionally strong. So where does he turn to when a disease such as prostate cancer comes along, which threatens this? Group's seminar on prostate awareness (Newham Recorder)
THE Association for Prostate Awareness will be running seminars on prostate cancer at All Saints Parish Church, Hampton Road, Forest Gate during the summer. The cancer is the second most common killer of men in the UK, with African Caribbean men three times more likely than white men to contract it. SNHMC Hosts American Cancer Society Man to Man Prostate Cancer Sup: J (The Nashua Telegraph)
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