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Prostate News Archive


  • Risk And Predictors Of Prostate Cancer In Men With Negative Repeat Saturation Biopsy (Medical News Today)

    ORLANDO, FL ( - These investigators sought to determine both the risk of future prostate cancer in patients that undergo negative repeat saturation biopsies and the criteria that should be used in decision making whether to do follow-up biopsy in a patient with a previous negative repeat saturation or not.

  • The Efficacy Of Cytate As A Fluorescence Marker To Detect Prostate Cancer (Medical News Today)

    Researchers at the Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers (IUSL) at The City College of New York (CCNY) have conducted time-resolved fluorescence measurement and optical imaging studies that demonstrate the efficacy of Cytate as a fluorescence marker to detect prostate cancer.

  • ABC News NIGHTLINE Features HIFU With Sonablate(R) 500 As Non Invasive Treatment Option For Prostate Cancer (Medical News Today)

    USHIFU, LLC, the exclusive distributor of the minimally invasive Sonablate(R) 500 for prostate cancer treatment in North and South America, announced that the June 16, 2008 edition of ABC News NIGHTLINE featured a segment on high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for treating prostate cancer outside of the United States using the Sonablate(R) 500.

  • Prostate Cancer: NICE Clarification Boosts NHS Treatment Options (Medical News Today)

    Physician experts at the British Association of Urological Surgeons' (BAUS) annual meeting this week heard how discussions with NICE have opened the way for patients with prostate cancer to have continued access to cryotherapy - a promising therapy threatened by earlier NICE guidance published in February.

  • Prostate disorders affect more than realised (icWales)

    A walnut-sized gland located below the bladder, the prostate surrounds the urethra which drains the bladder.

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