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Prostate News Archive


  • Prostate Cancer-Specific Mortality After Radical Prostatectomy Or External Beam Radiation Therapy In Men With 1 Or More ... (Medical News Today) According to a report by Dr. D'Amico and colleagues that appears in the online version of Cancer, a PSA velocity 2ng/ml/year is the high-risk factor most strongly associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer specific mortality (PCSM) after radical prostatectomy (RP) or radiotherapy (RT). [click link for full article]

  • Fish Oil Might Slow Prostate Cancer (iVillage Total Health)

    A new study with mice suggests that diets high in omega-3 fatty acids from fish might help slow prostate cancer. The comparable levels of dietary omega-3s used in the study "are much higher than the average Western diet, but they are not unachievable," said senior researcher Yong Chen, a professor of cancer biology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C.

  • A Diet Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Lower Prostate Cancer Genetic Risk (Medical News Today)

    A diet rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - found in certain fish or fish oil, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils - may help lower prostate cancer risk in individuals with a genetic predisposition to cancer. [click link for full article]

  • Influence Of Androgen Suppression Therapy For Prostate Cancer On The Frequency And Timing Of Fatal Myocardial ... (Medical News Today) Recent studies have suggested that patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy for more than 12 months may exhibit nearly a 50% risk of developing the metabolic syndrome. These data have heightened awareness regarding the potential cardiovascular toxicity of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone agonists in men with prostate cancer. [click link for full article]

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