Prostate News Archive
Partial Salvage Cryoablation Of The Prostate For Recurrent Prostate Cancer After Radiotherapy Failure (Medical News Today) - In the online edition of Urology, Drs. Michael Eisenberg and Katsuto Shinohara reported on their experience using partial (unilobar) cryotherapy for patients with a local recurrence of prostate cancer (CaP) following radiotherapy (XRT). Between 2004 and 2007, 19 patients had failed XRT by either the ASTRO or Phoenix criteria. New Drug Shrinks Size of Prostate Tumors (ABC News)
With a daily dose of abiraterone, men with prostate cancer are staying alive. Cancer drug dramatically shrinks prostate tumors, study finds (Los Angeles Times)
The survival rate more than doubles among most of the men with aggressive cancers. A second, wider test shows similar results. 'Spectacularly effective,' a researcher says. An experimental cancer drug shrank prostate tumors dramatically and more than doubled survival in 70% to 80% of patients with aggressive cancers, British researchers reported Tuesday.
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