Prostate News Archive
GTX Shares Fall on Study Concern (AP via Yahoo! Finance)
Shares of biotechnology company GTX Inc. stumbled Monday on concerns on the risks involved with a late-stage study of the company's prostate cancer drug Acapodene. Women 'more distressed by prostate cancer' (Perth Now)
WOMEN are more distressed by prostate cancer than their male partners who are diagnosed with the disease, a study has found. For Men, a Saving Surgery: Twenty-Five Years Ago, Patrick C. Walsh Devised a Prostate-Cancer Operation That Allowed ... (RedNova)
By Marie McCullough, The Philadelphia Inquirer Apr. 30--In 1982, the surgical cure for prostate cancer was considered worse than the disease. Removing the prostate meant life-threatening bleeding, guaranteed impotence, and a 1 in 4 chance of incontinence.
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