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Prostate News Archive


  • Surgeon's Experience Key to Prostate Surgery Success (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)

    TUESDAY, July 24 (HealthDay News) -- Surgeons who perform the highest number of prostatectomies -- prostate removal to help stop cancer -- tend to have the best patient outcomes, a new study confirms.

  • Surgeon's Experience Key to Prostate Surgery Success (

    Copyright © 2007 ScoutNews, LLC . All rights reserved. TUESDAY, July 24 (HealthDay News) -- Surgeons who perform the highest number of prostatectomies -- prostate removal to help stop cancer -- tend to have the best patient outcomes, a new study confirms.

  • Broccoli May Help Cut Prostate Cancer (CBS News)

    Men who often eat broccoli and cauliflower may be less likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer than men who skimp on those vegetables.

  • Success rates for prostate cancer depend on experience of surgeon (EurekAlert!)

    Surgeons performing operations to remove patients' prostate glands -- the primary treatment for prostate cancer -- go through a steep learning curve, according to a study published online July 24 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. As the surgeons gain more experience performing the operation, called a radical prostatectomy, the chance that patients' prostate cancer will reoccur goes ...

  • Study tracks 'learning curve' in prostate surgery (

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The more times a surgeon has performed prostate surgery, the better the odds are for the patient, researchers said Tuesday in a study that validates common-sense advice to get an experienced surgeon.

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