Prostate News Archive
Under Diagnosis And Over Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer (Medical News Today) According to reports from the US and Europe it is more common that prostate cancer (CaP) is under diagnosed than over diagnosed. Both studies appear in the July 2007 issue of the Journal of Urology.Dr. Graif and the group of Dr. [click link for full article] Race against prostate cancer (WTHR Indianapolis)
Indianapolis - More than one thousand walkers and runners took to the streets in the name of prostate cancer. The "Little Red Door Cancer Agency" is raising money for research, a cure, and also free Comstock dies after 12-year battle with prostate cancer (The Herald-Mail)
Smithsburg resident Dr. George W. Comstock, who dedicated his life to public health, died Sunday afternoon at his home after a 12-year battle with prostate cancer. Indianapolis prostate cancer race draws more than 2,000 (The Times of Northwest Indiana)
INDIANAPOLIS - A race to draw attention to prostate cancer and raise money for research attracted more than 2,000 participants _ more than four times the number in the inaugural race in 2003. GPS For Prostate Cancer (KFSN-TV Fresno)
When a prostate shifts during radiation treatment for prostate cancer, technicians run the risk of missing the tumor and radiating healthy tissue. Now, experts say new technology is making it easier to track the position and motion of a patient's prostate with GPS-like precision during treatment.
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