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Prostate News Archive


  • Exercise May Improve Odds Against Prostate Cancer Death

    WEDNESDAY, Jan. 5 (HealthDay News) -- prostate cancer patients who routinely engage in modest amounts of vigorous physical exercise appear to lower their risk of dying from their disease, new research suggests.

  • Exercise may lower risk of death for men with prostate cancer

    A new study of men with prostate cancer finds that physical activity is associated with a lower risk of overall mortality and of death due to prostate cancer.

  • Hard Exercise Reduces Prostate Cancer Mortality Considerably

    Men with prostate cancer who exercise vigorously have a significantly lower risk of dying from the disease compared to other diagnosed males, researchers revealed in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Harvard School of Public Health and University of California, San Francisco researchers said this is the first study to examine what effect physical activity may have after a diagnosis of prostate ...

  • Study aims to determine who, how fast prostate cancer will strike

    share: digg facebook twitter Two years after diagnosis, Simmons is receiving first-rate medical care even as he helps the Health Science Center's physician-researchers learn more about biological cues ? called biomarkers ? that predict whether a man will get prostate cancer and whether the cancer requires treatment. The Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) at the UT Health Science Center is ...

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