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Prostate News Archive


  • DNA test may help trace prostate cancer (

    Stockholm - A new DNA test may prove helpful in identifying prostate cancer, according to new research conducted at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and in the United States. The test would supplement current methods, including so-called PSA te...

  • New Herbal Supplement Promotes Healthy Prostate (Benton Evening News)

    (ARA) - If you're a man who suffers from any of these symptoms -- waking up several times a night to use the bathroom, difficulty starting your stream, poor urine flow and volume or erectile dysfunction -- it may be a sign of an even bigger problem: an enlarged prostate.

  • Scientists find means to predict risk of prostate cancer for $300 (Daily Vidette)

    Scientists can now predict a male's risk of getting prostate cancer for only $300. Researchers at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center have pinpointed variations in five regions of DNA that can help predict the patient's risk. "This is an important breakthrough which has improved the chance of identifying the risk variants in the genome that account for genetic susceptibility to most ...

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