Prostate News Archive
Don't drop the ball on Brooks prostate gala tonight (Calgary Sun)
The Hyatt Regency will be abuzz with activity today as Sun columnist Bill Brooks and volunteers transform the hotel's ballroom into party central for the Tenth Annual Bill Brooks prostate Cancer Benefit. New Herbal Supplement Promotes Healthy Prostate (Richfield Reaper)
(ARA) - If you're a man who suffers from any of these symptoms -- waking up several times a night to use the bathroom, difficulty starting your stream, poor urine flow and volume or erectile dysfunction -- it may be a sign of an even bigger problem: an enlarged prostate. Low Risk Prostate Cancer Can And Should Often Be Managed With Active Surveillance And Selective Delayed Intervention (Medical News Today) In the November early view of Nature Clinical Practice Urology, Dr. Klotz reviews the strategy for active surveillance (AS) of prostate cancer (CaP). This review will highlight the essential points to implement AS into the practitioners' clinical practice.Klotz stresses several postulates regarding AS, which are as follows.
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