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Prostate News Archive


  • Combination Therapy Improves Survival For Certain Prostate Cancer Patients (Science Daily)

    Men with localized prostate cancer who were treated with male hormone suppression therapy and radiation treatment had longer survival, but those with moderate to high levels of other illnesses did not experience this effect.

  • Combination therapy improves survival for certain prostate cancer patients (EurekAlert!)

    Men with localized prostate cancer who were treated with male hormone suppression therapy and radiation treatment had longer survival, but those with moderate to high levels of other illnesses did not experience this effect, according to a study in the January 23 issue of JAMA.

  • Pros, Cons Of Drug Proven To Prevent Prostate Cancer Should Be Considered, Researchers Recommend (Medical News Today)

    Findings by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers encourage men to weigh both the potential benefits and side effects of the drug finasteride before taking it to prevent prostate cancer.In today's online issue of Cancer, UT Southwestern doctors analyzed data gathered by the National Cancer Institute's prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, or PCPT.

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