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Prostate News Archive


  • Prostate cancer slowly but surely getting attention it deserves (The State)

    QUESTION: With all the recent progress made in breast cancer research, when do you think that prostate cancer will get its fair share of funding? It strikes more victims and yet receives far less funding. ? C.B., Philadelphia ANSWER: prostate cancer definitely has been pursued on a smaller scale despite that there will be more cases of the disease diagnosed in the United States for 2007 than ...

  • Prostate cancer benefit gets $100,000 boost (Calgary Sun)

    Sun scribe Bill Brooks has 100,000 reasons to smile as he gears up for his 10th annual prostate Cancer Benefit.

  • More support for lycopene's prostate benefits (

    Forty people took part in the new pilot study, which adds clinical data to an area previously lacking, according to the researchers in this month's Journal of Nutrition.

  • Fatherhood Linked To Prostate Cancer Risk (Medical News Today)

    A new study from Danish researchers has found that childless men have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer than fathers, and that, paradoxically, the more children a father has, the lower the risk of the disease. The study appears in the February 15, 2008 issue of CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.

  • Fatherhood linked to prostate cancer risk (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

    Men without children have a lower risk of prostate cancer compared with fathers, but those who father a brood of kids appear to have a relatively low risk also, the results of a large study suggest.

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