Prostate News Archive
Aspirin could hinder prostate cancer therapy (USA Today)
Doctors are investigating whether low-dose aspirin could interfere with some prostate cancer treatments. UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News (UPI)
Genetic possibility for anorexia found ... Cancer-fighting agent found in beer ... Obesity can affect transplant wait time ... NOAA: 2007 a Top 10 year, temp-wise ... Health/Science news from UPI. Potential Drug Target For Treatment-resistant Prostate Cancer Discovered (Science Daily)
Scientists have found that a signaling protein that is key to prostate cancer cell growth is turned on in nearly all recurrent prostate cancers that are resistant to hormone therapy. If the findings hold up, the protein, called Stat5, may be a specific drug target against an extremely difficult-to-treat cancer. Scientists find protein potential drug target for treatment-resistant prostate cancer (PhysOrg)
Scientists at Jefferson`s Kimmel Cancer Center in Philadelphia have found that a signaling protein that is key to prostate cancer cell growth is turned on in nearly all recurrent prostate cancers that are resistant to hormone therapy. If the findings hold up, the protein, called Stat5, may be a specific drug target against an extremely difficult-to-treat cancer.
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