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Prostate News Archive


  • Volunteers Sought for Study of Ancestry and Prostate Cancer in African-American Men (Newswise)

    A new study under way at UC Davis Cancer Center may help doctors see beyond skin color when it comes to decisions about prostate-cancer screening and treatment for African-American men.

  • Sunshine pill for prostate cancer in 2009 (EurekAlert!)

    A tablet designed to emulate the healing power of the sun could be available for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer as early as 2009. But it remains to be seen whether the drug will be the revolution in prostate cancer care that its makers claim.

  • Watson Data Shows Prostate Drug Works (AP via Yahoo! Finance)

    Drug maker Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. said Tuesday that early data in two clinical trials show that its enlarged prostate treatment was effective.

  • 'Tomato-broccoli combo is the best prostate cancer buster' (Hindustan Times)

    When it comes to fighting prostate cancer, it seems that a combo of tomato and broccoli in your daily diet ? both known for their cancer-fighting qualities ? is better than having the two vegetables separately, a new study has found.

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