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Prostate News Archive


  • Compound Can Distinguish Between Benign, Localized And Metastatic Prostate Cancer (Medical News Today)

    Researchers have determined that a molecule produced by the body's metabolism could be used to differentiate between benign prostate tissue vs. localized and metastatic prostate cancer. They also found that this molecule, known as sarcosine, may be associated with prostate cancer invasiveness and aggressiveness.

  • Sylvester Researcher Uncovers Potential Therapeutic Target For Prostate Cancer (Medical News Today)

    A new discovery by the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine points the way to critically important treatment possibilities for patients with advanced prostate cancer in whom chemotherapy and hormone therapy have failed.

  • Research Links Artificial Light to Prostate Cancer (Washington Post)

    Might exposure to artificial light at night increase a man's risk for prostate cancer? An unusual international study indicates that it might, providing provocative new evidence that disrupting the body's natural rhythms may play a role in one of the most common malignancies to afflict men.

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