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Prostate News Archive


  • Men Who Are Continually Active at Work May Have Decreased Prostate Cancer Risk (Newswise)

    Men with jobs that require them to be physically active may be getting benefits beyond salary and health insurance - they may be at a decreased risk of developing prostate cancer, according to a study at UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center.

  • Studies detect slew of new genes for prostate risk (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

    Three studies published on Sunday identify at least ten new genes that raise a man's risk of prostate cancer, information which could lead to better screening and targeted drugs to treat the disease.

  • Ten new genetic clues for prostate cancer (AFP via Yahoo! News)

    Gene sleuths on Sunday announced they had identified more than 10 new genetic links to prostate cancer, two of which would be included in a new diagnostic test aimed at spotting men at risk from this disease.

  • More Gene Variations Found That Raise Prostate Cancer Risk (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)

    MONDAY, Feb. 11 (HealthDay News) -- Scientists have uncovered at least 10 new genetic variations associated with an increased risk for prostate cancer.

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