Prostate News Archive
Men With Prostate Cancer Optimistic (RedNova)
Men treated for prostate cancer feel optimistic about their condition over time and have a high level of trust for their doctors, says a British researcher. Nerve grafts may restore erectile function (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
In men who have become impotent following prostate cancer surgery, implantation of nerve grafts into the penis allows some men who were potent before surgery to recover erectile function, researchers report. Body Mass Index, Weight Change, And Risk Of Prostate Cancer In The Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort (Medical News Today) In the last five years, a large body of evidence has been accumulated supporting the association between obesity and high-risk prostate cancer. Despite this advancement in our knowledge of prostate carcinogenesis, the exact interplay between BMI and patient risk remains poorly understood. [click link for full article] New Drugs Slow Prostate Cancer Growth (RedNova)
A type of anti-cancer drug that blocks an important growth factor has prolonged the lives of patients with recurrent prostate cancer, say California scientists. Mineral County Health Department offers free prostate screening clinic February 26 (Mineral Daily News-Tribune)
A free prostate screening clinic will be held at the Mineral County Health Department on Monday, Feb. 26, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The screening will include a digital rectal exam and PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test.
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