Prostate News Archive
Doctors misuse scans in prostate cancer: study
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Too many men with low- or medium-risk prostate cancer get CTs and bone scans that aren't recommended for them, suggests a new study. The enlarged prostate
The symptoms of an enlarged prostate include slow-flowing urine, increased night-time urination, increased overall frequency of urination, straining to pass urine, a sensation of incomplete bladder emptying, and increased time for urination... Free prostate cancer screening set
POINT PLEASANT ? According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in American men, other than skin cancer. Prostate cancer also is the second leadin... Prostate Exam Awareness
Prostate Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. It usually grows slowly and can go undetected until its too late. In this month's Cancer Answer we share the story of one man who his winning his cancer fight with some help from his family. Robotic system sought to fight prostate cancer
While Windsor waits for provincial approval for a robotic surgery machine, more men could die from prostate cancer and the area risks losing two urologists already trained to use it, Windsor Regional Hospital CEO David Musyj said Friday.
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