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Prostate News Archive


  • Lethal prostate cancer linked to gene variants

    International researchers have found five gene variants strongly linked to aggressive prostate cancer, a discovery that could lead to new tests and treatments, a study said Tuesday.

  • 'Prostate made Depardieu pee'

    French actor Gerard Depardieu was humiliated and apologised to fellow passengers when prostate problems forced him to urinate in front of them during takeoff on an Air France flight this week, a friend said.

  • Prostate Cancer Treatment: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. , Aug. 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- In an extensive article reviewing the most popular prostate cancer treatments available to men today, South Florida urologist Dr. Bert Vorstman takes a critical view on manufacturers, hospital systems and some colleagues who minimize the after effects of radical surgeries while continuing to endorse the procedures as a viable option. "I believe ...

  • Genomatix, USU and HJF execute a CRADA: Prostate cancer prognostic marker discovery by NGS

    ( Genomatix Software GmbH ) Genomatix Software, the Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences,and the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc.have entered into a Cooperative Research and DevelopmentAgreement to extend their collaborative endeavors in prostate diseaseresearch. The aim of the joint research will be to differentiate patients withfavorable ...

  • Genetic Markers Predict Which Prostate Tumors Will Kill

    A new study associates five genetic markers with fatal cases of prostate cancer.

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