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Prostate News Archive


  • Meeting addresses prostate cancer (C-Health)

    prostate cancer support group leaders from across the country are converging in Calgary for the next three days to talk about the search for a cure to the deadly disease and how to better inform men about the need to get tested.

  • Prostate Cancer (AskMen)

    prostate cancer is much like the male equivalent of female breast cancer. It is a malignant disease of the prostate, the walnut-size gland located just in front of the rectum, which serves to nourish and protect sperm cells.

  • Ex-NFLers receive prostate screens (The Massillon Independent)

    Immortality is one thing. Invincibility is quite another. It?s a conundrum that Pro Football Hall of Famer Bobby Bell Sr. knows inside and out. Bell achieved immortality in 1983 when his bronze bust was unveiled at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton. But the invincibility part, well, he?s working on it. This hero is, after all, is only human.

  • Army coach has treatement for prostate cancer (Sports Illustrated)

    Army football coach Stan Brock watched his team's opening practice from a golf cart Friday after having follow-up treatment for prostate cancer.

  • Bear Stearns' Cayne was near death in September: report (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

    Former Bear Stearns Chief Executive James Cayne came close to dying last September from sepsis triggered by a severe prostate infection, Fortune Magazine reports on Monday on its website.

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