Prostate News Archive
Prostate cancer risk tied to DNA changes (Boston Globe)
A team led by Harvard researchers has found dramatic genetic links to prostate cancer that appear to underlie many of the cases and help explain the higher occurrence of the disease among African-American men. Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment Center Focusing on Bone Health, Chemotherapy and Radiation (Newswise)
The new Advanced prostate Cancer Treatment Center focuses on bringing together resources of global Clinical publications, disease information, listings of Clinical Trials and relevant multimedia lectures related to Bone Health, Chemotherapy and Radiation in advanced disease. Researchers Discover a Common Variation in a Gene Segment that Increases the Risk for Prostate Cancer (National Cancer Institute)
Researchers report that a variation in a portion of DNA strongly predicts prostate cancer risk and that this common variation may be responsible for up to 20 percent of prostate cancer cases in white men in the United States. Researchers find genetic links to prostate cancer (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Scientists have identified several genetic risk factors for prostate cancer, shedding new light on the cause of a leading worldwide cancer killer among men that hits U.S. blacks especially hard. Hormone Therapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer Not for Everyone (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)
MONDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) -- For men with advanced prostate cancer, starting hormone therapy quickly comes with benefits and risks that may -- in some cases -- cancel each other out, according to new guidelines issued by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
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